Friday, February 4, 2011

About do heat pumps work well in indianapolis

Do heat pumps work well in indianapolis?
Maintenance & Repairs - 3 Answers
People's Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Answer 1 :
Heat pumps are good to about 35 degrees..that is when they are at their best. Under 35 degrees they require supplemental help. There are Dual Fuel systems that use the heat pump to 35 deg then shift to natural gas for anything below. I live in Owensboro, KY which is about 200 miles south of you and my heat pump cost me a mint in the dead of winter. It was not duel fuel and uses electric resistance heating and I could watch money flying out the window
Answer 2 :
heat pumps help both heat and cool so you need to average a whole year both heat and cooling if done right they are fine in your area but yes you may need some added heat ..again if a quality unit is installed by a quality installer u will be pleased with how little u spend on heat and cooling and your local installer should know what you need . in your area.
Answer 3 :
I have had heat pumps in two homes. They are terrible. Especially in the winter. I never got enough heat out either of them when it was below 35 deg. I would never buy one or have one in a home that I lived one. Get bids on a good 13, or better, seer unit and save yourself allot of money in the long run.
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